As a customer of West Penn Power, you can choose from thousands of competitive electricity rates available through the state’s deregulated energy market. The current utility default rate, known as the Price to Compare, is 5.637 cents per kilowatt hour. To help you find a deal that saves you money, we recommend checking out the comparison rates from licensed retail electric generation suppliers like Arbor.
Regardless of the supplier you choose, be sure to check their terms and conditions carefully to avoid any surprises. For example, beware of a contract length that is shorter than the typical 12-month term. These types of contracts often lead to higher prices when they expire. In addition, make sure to read the fine print for any monthly charges or additional fees that may increase your bill.
You may also want to consider a fixed-rate plan with a reputable energy provider. This option will give you budget certainty over the course of a year or more. In contrast, a variable-rate plan will fluctuate throughout the year, meaning your bill will be higher some months and lower during others.
The reason for the rate hike is that West Penn Power, a FirstEnergy company, wants to invest in their infrastructure, meet new environmental standards, and upgrade their existing power lines. This will require massive investments that will impact their customers’ bills. In fact, the average residential West Penn Power customer can expect to see their bills go up by 18%.
West Penn customers have a variety of programs to take advantage of to save money on their bills, appliances, and more. These include the WARM Program for low-income customers, an appliance rebate program, and a free energy audit to help customers reduce their electricity consumption. You can learn more about these programs on the FirstEnergy website.
Your West Pennsylvania Power electricity bill will show a significant amount of information, but it can be confusing to understand how all the charges work together. Here’s a breakdown of the major sections on your bill to help you get a better handle on your power usage and where the money is coming from.
The supply charge, sometimes referred to as the kWh charge, represents the cost that your local electric supplier pays to generate and deliver power to your home or business. This includes the price to purchase the electricity from generators and the costs to transport it over high-voltage transmission power lines to your local distribution grid. Once on the distribution grid, it’s distributed to your home or business via your meter.
The utility’s default supply rate, called the Price to Compare, is set by auction four times a year. The Price to Compare is determined by the utility based on its projected expenses for network maintenance, upgrades, and customer care services. The Price to Compare is then passed on to West Penn Power customers along with a delivery charge. You can shop for suppliers and find a plan that is cheaper than the utility’s default rate by using the tools at the PUC’s website. Once you choose a supplier, they’ll notify your utility of the change and your new pricing should be reflected on your next utility bill.